Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tot School Trays

These are our new Tot School trays that I got from Oriental Trading. The shelving unit is "new" for us too...thanks to my parents for doing some redecorating in their kitchen. Ignore the mess on the kitchen counter above- there's always something up there (grrr!)
On the shelves I'm keeping some of the kids' more "educational" items. I got the Tot School idea from Carisa at 1+1+1=1. If you're interested, head over there for lots of great information.
Basically each day I put out about 5 trays of activities for Peanut. These are all learning activities (although she calls them her "games"). Shown here L-R are foam stickers to put on a paper (fine motor, and believe it or not, stickers are one of the hardest things for her), M & Ms to sort by color (and then eat), animal mommy/baby puzzles to match, mommy & daddy name puzzles. All the activities are pretty quick, which is perfect for a 2 year old.
Peanut has caught on to sorting by color really well and LOVED having a special M & M treat. Now my challenge is figuring out some things for Monkey to do while Peanut is working! Having a little brother is great, having a little brother who is in constant motion & trying to get into everything you're doing- not so great. Peanut and I have actually started calling him Bulldozer because of his ability to go over, knock down, and destroy things. :))